I'm a big fan of public transportation because it frees me from the maddening traffic jam which everyone hates. Sure, I'm not the only one who hates traffic jams but I hate traffic jams with a vengeance. It's like Dr Bruce Banner turning into The Hulk, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde situation.
When I first meet a woman and I think she is quite interesting but the moment she tells me she lives in Bdr Sri Damansara or Sg Buloh/Kajang, I'll be disinterested because I have to drive to where she lives and where she lives has got no trains. She may be Emily Blunt but sorry I have to decline.
Why must you stay in Bandar Sri Damansara Miss Emily Blunt??
In a way, the trains determine how my life will turn out to be. Trains are important....very important.
Currently, you live in miserable ol Puchong but now, you can rejoice because finally, after 5 years , the LRT is here, literally at your doorstep.
The oh so new trains
Look at the space ...So clean
Only 3 passengers today .... FOUR..plus me
A lot of thought went into building the stations as well as determining the most optimum route for Puchong dwellers. Another plus point - LRT station car parks. Each station will have a carpark with substantial parking(up to 130 slots). Impressed yet? I've changed underwear twice already.
Parking bays !!!!!
Puchong Train Stations
1. In front of Bandar Puteri Puchong
2. In front of Tesco Puchong
3. In front of IOI Mall
Yeah yeah...Puchong is so near to KLIA/KLIA2. The person who you ask to drop you off at KLIA/KLIA2 secretly despises it. "It's only once a while" so they say.
Get on any of the above train stations, take the train all the way to Sri Petaling. Along the way you will pass by Kinrara BK5, Awan Besar, etc.
Get off at Sri Petaling because the new trains don't go beyond Sri Petaling for now. Interchange with the 20 year old but still reliable STAR LRT to take you to Bandar Tasik Selatan.
Kunta Kinte
Disembark and cross to another building about 500 metres away for your last leg to the airport.
The amazing ERL has a station at Bandar Tasik Selatan (KLIA Transit). Hop on that and you're on your way to KLIA/KLIA2.
In 3 swift steps :
and the driver who always have to send your bum to the airport will remain your ever loving friend/spouse/partner.
Impressed blogger
No rush hour crowd
Spic and span
Really impressed blogger
Like Singapore MRT level
Are we on our way to rivaling Singapore's MRT and Bangkok's BTS..........................
The question I keep asking myself is ...........How the hell do I know Puchong so well???????