Isn't it gross? First and foremost, men shouldn't be holding women's handbags in public. That's just plain wrong. However, this shameful act does not apply to couples with children. I can understand that the wife is holding their child and the husband has to help hold his wife's handbag. So, guys in this category, you are safe.
But isn't this pathetic? Take a look again.
Yes, there's no doubt you love your girlfriend/wife but to hold her bag in public considered a huge sin. Yes, she may have given you some sex the night before but buy her a pair of Vincci shoes for heaven's sake, not tot her bag around looking like a damn fool.
What has men come to? You women want us men to be the Sensitive New Age Guy (SNAG) but look at the results. How to respect men in this posititon?
If I were a woman, would I leave a man like the above picture?
In Jahangir's Khan's heartbeat after a 5 set squash match with Jansher Khan.That's how fast I'd leave the poor sod.
They're everywhere. Going up/down the escalator, at the Autopark paying machine, queuing up at GSC/TGV,etc.
Do you see Magaret Thatcher's husband holding her bag in public? She better
jolly well slap the daylights out of her husband if he did that.
And I read somewhere in Amnesty Antarabangsa that it is actually against human rights for a boyfriend/husband to hold a girlfriend/wife's handbag in public. Please verify.
To the women out there with weak boyfriends, please don't subject them to this shameful manner.You know they're weak but do you have to make them tot your handbag in public? Is he pulling up his pants the same time as his girlfriend? I can only wonder.
To the men out there who has held their partner's handbag in public before, I understand you love/care/sayang her and yes, these are one of the many ways you show your affection. That's great. 100 points for effort. But, for the sake of mankind, don't sling a woman's handbag on your shoulder the next time you guys go out.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Have you guys ever been to a shopping mall on a weekend and while strolling down the numerous shops, sometimes you see a young couple? Yup, that's pretty normal but what's abnormal is when the boyfriend/husband is holding the girlfriend's/wife's handbag!!! Please see the below pictures for reference :
checked out your blog from facebook. wah, you got too much time! haha, damn funny, how you manage to spot so many. but you're right, women's handbags should be carried by women. got heavy bag to carry then yes la...
Agreed....which is why I never subject my other half to such humiliation, except maybe when I need to go to the ladies... hehe....
teoh did u stalk that couple with the pink handbag? why so many photos of them??
haha...have to say i agree with u...its wrong from ever angle no matter what people say...
Yeah, I was kinda stalking them.
In fact, I went to the mall looking for couples in that position and after 45 minutes, I found one and then durian runtuh actually. Couple by couple appeared.
I pretended to take pics of the interior design but I was focusing on them.
and for the poor unfortunate excuse of a male cannot get out of holding the handbag, here are some tips to help him retain what's left of his manhood
my hubby does that for me, but only when I go try on some clothes / shoes etc. but after that I will take my handbag back from him. Don't wan la people see me walking with some sissy guy ya? tak macho langsung.. dok respek..
i fully agreed tat men shd not hold ladies' handbags, i never did & will never allow my man 2 do it unless of coz i need my hands 4 other purposes :-)
great 2 read yr blog, keep them give really great memories cheerios!
I bumped into your blog when I Googling for man - bags! Ok, what about cases of men holding the handbags when the lady goes to the loo, either at the shopping centre, or makan2?
Maybe it's a secret/sub-concious wish of men - to carry a handbag! So many lovely designs!! Kiasu lah!
Or so that the girlfriend cannot run off with another man, since he's holding her bag & its contents 'hostage' ... ha ha
P.S. What's worse than this is men who help their girlfriends choose undies @lingerie dept.. in public
My god, i was about to post out some thoughts about this issue after seeing guys been helping with their girls handbags.
I mean, my bf insisted to carry my handbag too - ONCE. But i forbid, i said u are Zaza.
Anyway, can i used some of the picture in your blog for me to post in my blog.
my email is
"First and foremost, men shouldn't be holding women's handbags in public. That's just plain wrong."
If you say that in America, you'll be called a drooling bigot.
This is such a petty little simple minded excuse to find some sort of significance. Maybe he want a Coach bag!
They make Coach Bags for men now. Check em' out. They were em' in Europe.
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